ICG operates as a global expert network with members residing in nine countries.
Our members are firmly embedded in academia: More than one third of our members are connected to the world's Top 10 universities. 19 members hold a doctoral degree, and 14 members have or continue to serve as faculty members. 16 members have academic administration experience, ranging from deanships to international and alumni office leadership positions.
Half dozen ICG members have been trained in leading strategy consulting firms such as the Boston Consulting Group and PwC. Most ICG members had lived and worked in two or more countries and our members are fluent in more than ten languages. In total, our members have published more than 100 books and 1,100 journal articles.
Membership Structure and Roles
Our Advisory Boards are home to nearly 30 academics, administrators, consultants, and entrepreneurs. Membership is divided into two distinct Boards owing to their different focus areas - the Academic Advisory Board and the Health Care Capacity Development Advisory Board. Our consultants for the most part serve as academic administrators.
Member Information
For detailed information, including biographies, please see